
Qumi-Qumi is a multifaceted children's project based on a non-verbal animated series about the adventures of three friends: Juga, Yusi, and Shumadan β€” in the wonderful world of Qumi-Qumi. The target audience of the series is children from 6 to 11 y.o.

At the moment the first season, consisting of 15 episodes with a duration of 11 minutes in 2D format, as well as spin-offs, has been released.

Unique is the development of Qumi-Qumi VR-360, where for the first time in history (before the projects released by Netflix) was implemented storyline with multi-ending (multi-ending plot): depending on how the viewer watches the cartoon β€” changes the storytelling!

At the beginning of 2022 the series is broadcasting on TV channels in Russia, CIS, USA, Thailand, and Latin America. The series is available worldwide on major digital platforms, as well as on subscription platforms that provide parental control and safe viewing options for young users. The series has been inspired by mobile app games and is available with ringtones, stickers and other digital entertainment content.

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